Tryouts for the 2008-2009 Ottawa Valley Silver Seven teams will begin the week of August 30th for the following teams:Information Document (PDF)
Tryouts will run until September 7 when it is expected that all teams will be finalized.
Tryout dates for the Major Midget AA have yet to be determined but are anticipated to begin approximately September 18.
Location: All tryouts will be held at the Cavanaugh Construction Sensplex (Kinburn Sensplex) located on Carp Rd at Kinburn Side Rd.
Tryout Costs: The one-time charge for the tryouts will be $85.00 payable to the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Minor Hockey Club by either cash or cheque. Payment can be made at the first tryout session.
Tryout Registration: All players must be registered with their respective District 4 Home Association prior to attending a tryout. Registration for tryouts at all levels will occur at the first tryout session. We recommend that players arrive at least 45 minutes before the first session to allow time for registration.
Ice-times: Teams will be finalized following approximately (5) tryout sessions of one and half hours each. Releases will start following the first two sessions. Tryouts may consist of drills, scrimmages and exhibition games.
Jerseys: Silver Seven tryout jerseys will be provided upon registration. All other equipment is the responsibility of the individual player.
Evaluators/Assistants: During tryouts, all evaluators and on-ice assistants may not participate if they have a child trying out for the age-group. The Head Coach will be the only person who may have a child trying out at that level.
Team Make-Up: There is no minimum or maximum player representation required from any one District Association. Each team will have a target of (9) forwards, (6) defense and (2) goalies.
Questions: Questions regarding tryouts may be sent to Nathalie Carruthers at nathaliecarruthers@sympatico.ca